Avoid 4 Mistakes That SEO Beginner Always DO

In the past black hat SEO techniques, for example, keyword stuffing, and spammy link building referencing were the standard. Fortunately, those days are a distant memory and Google will, in general, expel sites that practice these techniques to the web.

Now SEO is all about quality content and creating a link from relevant content and following white hat techniques to rank higher in Google SERP. The second side of all this is that it now takes a lot of time and a better strategy to compete with your competitor.

Because white hat techniques take time to show results. As you know SEO is a slow game.
So In this post here are 4 old black hat techniques. Which is mostly used by SEO beginners?

So if you SEO beginner then this post will be very informative for you.

1. Keyword stuffing
2. Misusing Anchor text
3. Linking to unrelated sites
4. Web 2.0 blogs

So if your SEO beginners then you should avoid these techniques because sooner or later Google will hit you hard. So avoid these on-page black hat SEO techniques.

1.Keyword stuffing

SEO is currently more content-driven than at any time in recent memory. Google and other web crawlers value content that is connecting with and valuable to the user. Be that as it may, there were times when this was not the situation.

Keyword stuffing was the most widely used black hat SEO techniques pursued by SEO experts since it was so natural to execute and it really worked.

The entire procedure went something like this:

  1. Research keyword that you need your content to rank for 
  2. Produce content on the subject (topic)
  3. Stuff content with the research keywords (Exact definite match keywords) 
  4. Utilize these same keywords and over in meta-box too.

In simple words, keywords stuffing is reap ting same keyword over and over in every place like meta box, meta description, in the post again and again.

2. Misusing Anchor text

Anchor text used to be a significant pursuit signal which used to reveal to Google how relevant a site was. Tragically, anchor texts were abused by black hat SEO specialists for keyword stuffing and malicious third party referencing.

Much like its forerunner Google Panda, Penguin put a conclusion to the old-school black hat content. Presently utilizing a similar stay message again and again for inside connecting will get your site punished by Google.

3.Linking to unrelated sites

Linking to the related relevant site to your post. Which links provide additional information on the topic, making it relevant and helpful for the user. These types of link called High-Quality Backlink
On the other hand, if you are linking your site with the irrelevant website with too many external links. Then you have a 90 % chance that your site will be penalized by Google

4. Web 2.0 blogs

One of the most popular mistake beginners does in web 2.0. When they creating backlink they only know the thing which is how can I get power quality backlink and you know what they do next
Web 2.0 which is grey link building techniques. this technique is very popular, ‘web 2.0’ blogs, as they are called by spammy SEO practice, don’t do too much because this is black hat SEO techniques in google eyes to boost your search engine rankings.

Web2.0 is very helpful and it gives you a quality backlink if you do in the right process.

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Final Words:

I hope this post is very informative for SEO beginners. Thanks for being a good reader :)
